Apply on Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission 2023 for Class 6



Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission 2023 Class 6 – Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has extended the last date for submission of NVS Application Form 2023 for class 6 admission. Now students can fill JNV Admission Form 2023 till December 15, 2021. Students who want to apply for Navodaya Class 6 Admission 2023 can fill JNVST form online. NVS Class 6 Admission 2023 Form is available at and . No Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Admit Card 2023 Class 6 will be accepted after the last date.

Apply on Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission 2023 for Class 6

Application Link: Click here to apply for admission in class 6.
Click here to download official notification of nvsadmissionclass6.

NVS Class 6 Correction Window 2023 The correction window
for JNV Class 6 Admission Form will be opened on December 16 and 17, 2021. Registered students can apply for correction in Gender (Male/Female), Category (General/OBC/SC/ST), Area (Rural/) only. urban), disability and medium of examination.

JNVST Exam of Navodaya 6th Class Admission 2023 will be held on April 30, 2023 (Saturday) at 11.30 AM. It will be conducted in one phase for all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas across the country. The result of NVS Entrance Class 6 Exam is expected to be declared by June 202. Candidates can get the result from the official portal. Read below to know more about Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission Form 2023 Class 6th Date, Process, Registration Form and more.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission 2023 Class 6 Dates
Check Navodaya Admission 2023 Class 6 important dates in the table below. This will help them to track the upcoming events of NVS Class 6 Admission 202.

  1. NVS Admission 2023 Class 6 Dates
  2. Held
  3. Date
  4. JNVST Class 6 Admission 2023 Notification
  5. September 24, 2021
  6. Navodaya Admission 2023 Class 6 Start Date
  7. September 24, 2021
  8. NVS Class 6 Admission 2023 Last Date
  9. December 15, 2021
  10. Correction Window 16th and 17th December 2021
  11. Navodaya Admission Class 6 2023 Exam
  12. April 30, 202
  13. JNVST class 6 result date
  14. June 202

Navodaya Vidyalaya Admission 2023 Class 6 Highlights
Students must check the following table to know about Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Admit Card 2023 Class 6 at a glance.

The National Policy on Education, 1986 envisages such residential schools, which have been named as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and will try their best to bring forth the best rural talent.

It is felt that irrespective of the fee-paying capacity of special gifted children, proper opportunities should be provided to them by providing them quality education so that they can move ahead in their life faster. Such education will help these rural students to compete with their urban counterparts.

Navodaya Vidyalaya system is a unique experiment in the field of school education in India and elsewhere. The importance of this experiment lies in the selection made targeting the rural gifted children and the effort to provide them with quality education at par with the best education given under residential school system.

(a) Candidates belonging to only that district will be eligible to apply for admission in the district in which Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is open. However, in the district where Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has been opened, but later that district is bifurcated, then only the old boundaries of the district will be recognized for admission in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. This is applicable in cases where a new school has not yet started in the newly divided district.
(b) the candidate appearing in the selection test, in the same district in which he wants to take admission, in any government/government aided or other recognized school or in any school under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan scheme or national Must be studying in class-5 in 'B' certificate scheme course of Open Schooling Institute.
A school shall be deemed to be recognized only if it has been declared to be recognized by the Government or by any agency authorized by the Government. The schools running under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan must be sponsored by the government or an agency authorized by the government. The school where the student has obtained B certificate under National Institute of Open Schooling and should be certified by National Institute of Open Schooling. The candidate must have passed the pre-admission class-5 examination. Actual admission in class-6 is given on this condition.
(c) The age of the candidate who wants to take admission should be between 9 to 13 years. This condition is applicable to all categories of candidates, including candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
(d) A candidate who has studied for even one day in any class-3, 4 or 5 located in an urban area shall be treated as an urban candidate. Urban areas are those which have been declared as urban areas by government notification on or after 2011 census. All other areas will be treated as rural areas.
(f) A candidate seeking admission to rural quota must have passed the examinations of Class-III, IV and V in a local Government/Government-aided/recognized school for the last three years in three consecutive semesters and completed one year per year. The academic session must have been completed in rural area.
(g) Those candidates will not be eligible to apply, who have not been admitted to the next class before 30th September and have not been admitted to class-5.
(h) No candidate shall be eligible to appear for the second time in the selection test under any circumstances.
Reservation for Rural, Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Girl Child/Disabled Children
(a) At least 75 percent of the seats in each district will be filled by the candidates selected from rural areas and the remaining seats will be filled by the candidates selected from the urban area of ​​the district.
(b) Reservation of seats for children belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is given in proportion to the population of the district concerned. But in any district, the national ratio (15 percent SC and 7.5 percent ST) should not be less than and 50 percent (including SC and ST), this reservation difference is variable and the selection of candidates under the open preference list should be done. Additional will apply.
(c) In addition to the reservation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, 27 percent reservation will be given to the candidates of Other Backward Classes. Reservation of Other Backward Classes will be implemented as per the Central List as issued from time to time. Other backward classes candidates who have not been included in the central list can apply as general candidates.
(d) One third of the total seats will be filled by girls.
(e) ** There is a provision of reservation for "Divyang children" (Orthopaedically handicapped, hearing handicapped and visually handicapped) as per the rules of the Government of India.
** "Visual disability" shall be recognized only if any one of the following conditions is met
:- (i) total blindness : or
(ii) i) visual acuity of 6/60 or 20/200 with spectacles in relatively good eye do not exceed;
(iii) ii) The angle of delimitation of the field of vision is 20 degrees or worse.
** "audio disability" loss of 60 or more decibels (combpimce) in the relatively good ear in the frequency of the communication field.
** “locomotor disability” by reason of disability of bones, joints or muscles of movement of the extremities or movement of the extremities or the control or movement of the muscles (. dal vitu v bamtamitans chansel)
** “person with disability” means that any kind of disability not less than 40 percent and which is certified by the Medical Officer.
